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Realizované projekty
Welcome to Togetherland
European Treasure Hunt
Keep learning and have fun
Discover Europe
The eCity Challenge
Kapitán FIN
The great escape
Here is our tourguide for you
Europe in a box
The Ultimate School Trip
Responsible eating
Fantastické světy bez hranic
European Day of Languages
UNESCO World Heritage
The second life of waste
Feeling towards Europe: a podcast project!
E.T. call Europe
Deutsch ist easy!
I'm different I'm successful
European Jobs and Careers
ABC of my country
The Scratch project
Idioms and proverbs of the World
Laugh Out Loud!
Učíme sa spolupracovať
eTwinning škola
Gymnázium Štefana Moysesa v Moldave nad Bodvou získala titul: